So I've been hard at work play planting all those beautiful plants from Arnold's Greenhouse. And, lucky me- this past weekend found me at yet another greenhouse and, of course, I came home with a bit more. You know, just to fill up the baskets and planters. Necessary plants. Of course.
In these barrels:
*Coleus (Colissima Capri)
*Viola (Gem Plum Antique)
*Nemesia (Opal Innocence)
*Coleus (Redhead)
*Petunia (Debonair Lime Green)
*Lantana (Peach Sunrise)
*Hedera Helix (Gold Child Ivy)
*Petunia (Double Carnation Pink)
There are the dogs peeking through the gate and all that 'debris' on the sidewalk? Walnut tree directly above - drops walnuts in the fall and these green feathery kind of things in the spring. Ugh. If it didn't give us good shade, it would have to go bye-bye.
Emerald Queen Fern
Petunia (Dolce Flambe)
And the barrel to right:
Emerald Queen Fern
Petunia (Docle Flambe)
The pots on the ledge are still showing off their purple pansies.
All four hanging baskets on the front porch have:
Begonias (mixed colors - red, pink, white)
Vinca Vine (Wojo's Jem)
Coleus (variegated - mixed)
Impatiens (white)
Petunia (Terra Cotta)
Sweet Potato Vine (Black Heart)
And around to the back porch. . .
In case you can't read it - the sign above the door (a special gift from a special neighbor) says:
"Who says happy is ONLY an hour"
Yup! More pansies on the cocktail table and more, along with my azalea bush, in the corner (along with some automatic battery-operated candles and my favorite cement bunny), and another small pot on the table between the two chairs.
That's a rose bush leaned up against the house and a hyacinth from an Easter guest that are all waiting to be planted out in the flower beds. I'll get there - my ol' shovel can only move so fast. . . . .
These back porch baskets have:
Fuchsia (Blacky)
Dichondra (Emerald Falls)
Petunia (Sophistica Lime Bicolor)
Basket Grass (Variegatus)
Sweet Potato vine (Tricolor)
Impatiens (white)
Begonias (mixed colors - red, pink, white)
Coleus (variegated - mixed)
The herb barrels - on either side of the back porch steps - are now all planted with dill, cilantro and chives (those all came back on their own - hooray!), parsley, mint, and oregano. I haven't had to replant oregano for several years so it surprised me to see that it had succumbed to the winter. It sure did have quite the root system when I went to remove it from the barrel. Wroof!
Now, I just need to find some containers for my special peppers and grape tomato plants. Hopefully will find something this weekend. If I can't locate more whiskey barrel halves (my preference), then I would like to acquire a couple *monster* sized cobalt blue pots. Or something like that. If all else fails, I do have some larger clay pots - and one cobalt pot- that I could use. So we'll see.
And I have a few 'extra' flowers - Dusty Miller, Twinspur (Flirtation Orange), Impatiens (white), Begonia (pink) - at the ready for when the front porch pansies start 'giving up.' I'm also wanting to return to Arnold's and get more of those 'lime bicolor' petunias and some ivy to fill in the pansie pots too.
Next up is getting caladium, gladioli, more lilies and hostas into the flower beds. Any other suggestions??? Right now they are full of viola, day lilies, daffodils, tiger lilies, star of Bethlehem. . . a couple of rose bushes, and plenty of this viney plant with little purple flowers that we call vinca - but it doesn't actually look like the pictures I've seen of 'vinca.'
Have a blooming kind of day ~
Robin Z
Have a blooming kind of day ~
Robin Z
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