musings, mutterings, and creative muddle. . .

Friday, December 23, 2011

Sparkly Shiny Signs of Christmas Cheer

I LOVE decorating - if you've followed the ksyardblog for very long, or have visited the ksyardbird studio, or just know me - you already know this fact.  I love putting things together; rearranging them until the overall effect strikes a balance in my eye and brings a smile to my face.   Holiday seasons are an added bonus to this 'hobby' - changing my home's decor from one season to another, or one celebration to a different one is Awesome!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Bring on the Eggnog!!!

I LOVE eggnog season:-)


Blinging in the Holiday Season

Nope - not a typo!  I really do mean 'blinging.'  The ksyardbird Studio has been full of shiny stones, sparkly crystals, shimmery this and shimmery that. . . not to mention, lots of laughter, fun, and good ol' fashioned Snoopy-style frolilc:-)

There has been more jewelry made and more treasures leaving the studio than ever. . . How about a peek into what's been making its way across my worktable and into people's stockings (that is, for those blingy trinkets that aren't worn right on out the door. . . )

Earrings - with crystals. . . .

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Not Your Granny's Crannies

I LOVE cranberry sauce, and I'm not talking that jelly stuff out of the can (though I have been known to eat it straight out of the can. . . but that's a whole other story). A few years ago we were planning a small family Thanksgiving and while deciding on a menu, I mentioned cranberry sauce.  All I got were groans from the other contributors. It was a consensus, we didn't want canned, and we didn't want celery, and, well, we just simply weren't into traditional.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Yes. Broccoli as Comfort Food

I like broccoli. Would I consider it comfort food?  Not really. . . But Hubster had a broccoli-rice side-dish at a BBQ restaurant when he was traveling a few weeks ago and couldn't wait to come home and make one (that would be the broccoli thing, not the restaurant) of his own.  Once again, Hubster's come up with a winner!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Positively Floored. . .

This is a story of before and after. . . we all love those, right?  Let's make like the Star Wars series, start in the middle, go back to the beginning, then end in the end - my favorite way to tell remodeling stories.  So, get comfortable and enjoy the show:-)  Oh, the plot?  No R2D2 or light sabers. . . but wood, baby.  It's all about conquering the carpet and allowing the wood to take over. . .

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Got Gnocchi?

Keep the 'g' silent and say it like a nickname for your favorite pooch - 'nochie.'  And what is Gnocchi? Simply put, gnocchi is little yummy potato dumplings.  And what do you do with gnocchi?  Just about anything you would do with pasta!  How cool is that?

We had gnocchi in the pantry (you can find it at most any store in produce, canned goods, and even the freezer) and I'd been very excited to use it.  Hubster had leftover smoked chicken in the refrigerator and he was quite anxious to use it. . . combining our excitement - he found this great soup recipe.  Awesome!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Comforting Tuna Casserole

It's that time of year of being cold and getting colds. . . and what better way is there to feel warm inside than with some good ol' comfort food. With two cooks in the house, from a long line of comfort-food cooks, we have quite the repertoire to choose from - and not always an easy choice. Last week Hubster requested that I make 'my' tuna casserole.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Falling for Autumn

I have a confession to make. . . Autumn is not my favorite season and Halloween is not in my top ten favorite holidays. . . BUT - I do enjoy seeing nature's way of decorating and like working those golden colors into my own home's seasonal decorations.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Tastefully Basic Risotto

I LOVE risotto - it's creamy, it's rich, it's tender-chewy, it's versatile, it's easy to fix - extremely tasty even when reheated. . .

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Cornish Hen Adventure

Ever seen Cornish Hen listed on a menu?  Ever see them in the store? Ever wonder what they are all about. . . and just what makes them so small, anyway???  Have you ever just *seen* one???

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Meow- Meow

I never quite know what my silly Feline-Friends are up to.  Being Russian Peterbalds make them extremely curious, and being siblings adds to the entertainment.  Let's see what they were up to just the other day. . .

Hi Frazer!  Whatcha doin?

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Fishin' Up Some Yummy Fish Tacos

I know. . I know. . there are 5,322 (give or take a hundred) recipes for fish tacos out there.  Trust me - I do know!  We got the urge for some like we had when we traveled to Florida earlier this summer so I started research.  Then I gave up and went with a tasty looking recipe I saw in a magazine.  Showed it to Hubster, and he started his own research into the tasty topic.  After some grueling (not really - canteloupe margarita was involved) give and take from multiple recipes and our own cooking prowess - here's yet another Fish Taco recipe that's pretty darned good, if we do say so ourselves!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Walkin' Me and Walkin' Dogs

Yup.  I've been getting fit. . . watching what I eat (have you seen some of those tasty recipes over there to the right. . . oh. . . man. . . I miss all that yummy stuff!) and walking. . . walking. . . walking. . . My goal is to walk three to four times a week, three to four miles a day.  And you know what?  I'm doing it!  And so are the dogs. . .

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Bananas for Banana Bread Muffins

This weekend we made a pot of Pork Colombo, and being ever-aware of the current 'somewhat-healthy-food-diet' I am supposed to be observing, I passed over (quite reluctantly) the Cinnamon-Chocolate Cake recipe I typically make to go with this spicy Caribbean stew.

Desperately looking around the kitchen for inspiration. . . my gaze landed on a couple of 'seen-better-day-bananas' and Banana Muffins won.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Ring Around the Button

Rings on your Fingers and Buttons on your Toes. . . wait. . .that's not quite it.  Button, button, who's got the button?

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Cantaloupe Mmmmmmargarita Delislush

Mmmmm. . . yum!  And slushy!  Frozen Cantaloupe Margarita - Delicious!  May I have some more please?

Once upon a time there was a group of girlfriends who got together one night in Northwestern Kansas for some fun and drinks on a certain back patio.  As the alcohol began running low and the

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Put a Little Veggie in Your Life

There are so many reasons right now to fill your diet with veggies. . . for starters, most all of the fresh vegetables found in the stores are 'in season' OR go well with those you can find in your own garden or at your local farmer's markets.  Let's face, is there anything tastier than a vine riped tomato grown in your own (or your neighbor's) dirt?

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Everything is Broken. . .

Or so it seems.

Recently I went to pull the chain that turns on my tavern light in the dining room to only have the chain pull out into my hand. . . Being that Hubster and I have our priorities exactly as they should be, the switch was repaired the next morning and now I just push a button for Jack to illuminate my life.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Photo-freeing my Phone

I was trying to locate a specific photo on my phone the other day and realized that 88 photos and one video were simply too many camera-phone-images to sort through.  I decided if it was important enough for me to 'snap', then I probably should do something about them. . .

Friday, August 5, 2011

Puttanesca for a Change

Looking for something a little different for supper?  Something that can be on the table in 20 minutes - AND without heating up the kitchen?  Something tasty with just a hint of spicy that doesn't have a whole lot of prep time?  Give this one a try.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Staying In, Keeping Cool, & Decorating

Too hot to go outside and show you how my veggies, herbs and flowers are doing (they're managing with a good watering every single morning). . . too hot to cook and have new recipes to share.  What does that leave?

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Leann & the Purple Petunia Nesters

This is my friend Leann's story about some birds that came to visit this spring. . .

It all started when Leann was minding her own business, watering her petunias at her Pennsylvania home when. . . .

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Feeling a Little Like Squirrel Bait?

Is it Monday?  Is it Tuesday?  Not to be corny, but it's just all kinda nutty today. . . and look what corn and nuts attract in my yard. . .

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

An Hour To Make The Bed???

Yup. . . and a great example of why, as my dear Hubster is known to say, it takes me an hour to do anything.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Jalapeno Poppers. . . with BACON!

Everything's better with bacon, am I right? And if cream cheese stuffed into a jalapeno then grilled OR dredged through batter and fried is good - then can you imagine the heaven if that same stuffed pepper was wrapped in bacon??

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Summer Fruit Salad

This one's for Cindy and Jane;-)
Only four ingredients in the dressing that mixes up lickety-split, then pour over any combination of one, two, or three fruits that you cut yourself, or buy already cut up - how about that for E-A-S-Y?

Monday, June 13, 2011

Cooool Caribbean Paella

Baby, it's hot out there!  Here's a recipe that, despite the fact you have to use the stove, will keep you cool.  You're cold, you say?  No problem!  This fresh-tasting rice, bean, and shrimp dish is perfect at any temperature. 

Monday, June 6, 2011

What? Watermelon Salsa????

I picked up my first juicy watermelon of the summer last week at the store.  As sweet and delicious as it was on its own, I wanted to create something special, unusual, and totally delectable.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Rockin' the Patio

Yeah, we have frequent get-togethers on our back patio, but that's not what I'm talking about here. .  .
I'm talking about literal rock

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Chocolate Chip Cookie Bars Extraordinaire

Yum.  Yum.  Yum.

Just as I promised - cookies after your veggies!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Gotta Have Veggies Before You Can Have Cookies. . .

And do I have a fabulous cookie recipe for you:-)  But, ahem, not today.  Tomorrow.  Today I want to show you my vegetable garden.   And before you think I have a garden just like everyone else, I don't.  In fact, it's not in the ground, it's not a raised bed, and it's not even one of those funny topsy-turvy tomato hangy things.

My garden is on my back patio; in whiskey barrel halves.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

My Life. . . Through Flowers

You're wondering where I've been aren't you?  Heck!  I KNOW where I've been and even I'm not sure I could fully explain it. . . it's a place where cooking has been set aside, dusting the house is being ignored.  A destination that includes focus on enjoying the day, the weather, family. 

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Springing By. . .


Last I knew I was planning for Easter. . .  and now all eyes are on planning Robin Z's Birthday Weekend (aka Memorial Day Weekend).

But I'm getting a little ahead of myself. . . Easter was an AWESOME time with Friends and Family and plenty of good Food and Fun. 

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Getting all Easter-ed Up


My favorite time of year just so happens to coincide with my favorite holiday - how Awesome is that?

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Impatient Pansies and other Cheer

The past month or so has been punctuated with some beautiful ones too wonderful to be wasted inside.  Yesterday wasn't what I would deem ideal with clouds and random sprinkles. . . but it was warm and pleasant enough in the afternoon and evening to get out and fill the flower pots with happiness for Easter weekend.  A flat of pastel pansies (pinks and creams with touches of pale lavender), impatiens (perky white, pinkish, and candy-striped), kale and petunias (a gorgeous deep purple with yellow) did the trick!

The front porch with its touch of Spring. . . time to get the humming bird feeders up too.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

MMMmmmargarita Chicken Gravy and Rice

You want some, don't you?  Oh man!  And this stuff is crazy delicious!!!  When we go to this one restaurant, this is usually the only thing on their menu I will order and *know* that I'll like it. . . Well - I've been hungry for this tangy chicken and the restaurant is nowhere in sight, so I decided to make it myself!

(I apologize for the annoying shadow at the bottom of this photo. . . the 'back up' photo taken was *all* in shadow.  Guess it was just one of those days)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Magical, Flowerful, World of Epcot

As I sit here in the ksyardbird Studio enjoy the light and warmth of the sun after several days of living without it. . .I'm taken back to our days in Florida, and, especially Disney-Epcot's Flower Festival.  Talk about some great (as far as I was concerned) timing - check it out:

Friday, April 1, 2011

The Best Meal I've Made. . . Today's exactly what Hubster said last night at supper.  I'm still not sure if it's politically correct, actually a compliment, a little insulting, or. . . (the one I'm going with) code for "This Recipe's a Keeper."  I can also tell you - there were NO leftovers!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

From MIA to Vacation and Home Again

Where have I been?  If you're asking this question, then you obviously have not been following the ksyardbird 'tweets' on Twitter.  There's no shame in that. . .  Consider the following pictures your clues to how I spent my Spring Break Adventure.

For those of you smart creatures who did follow this bird on her adventure - enjoy the picture-tease. 

And yes.  I'll be back on the ksyardbird Blog track soon.  No worries there.

Hungry?  Watch here for new recipes!  Looking for some bling - I'm gearing up for a jewelry showing/sale on April 10 and you're going to love the sneak peeks!  And, of course, my favorite season is unfolding right outside my window - you'll be able to watch right along with me.  For the next few days I'll be sharing photos from my trip. . . one day at a time:-)

Friday, March 11, 2011

spring! Spring! SPRING!!!!!

Hey Winter!  No Parking here - move along. . . Robin says so!!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Fish-on-Fridays and Other Traditions

The season of Fish-on-Fridays is nearly upon us.  Remember the school lunches of fish sticks or tuna casserole E-V-E-R-Y Friday?  Well. . . we've grown past those days. . . and we eat seafood any darned night of the week!  How about this for a tasty Fish-on-Friday kind of meal?

It's got you drooling, doesn't it?  Betcha won't wait for Friday to try this one out!  And it's ready to go in 30 minutes - can't beat that;-)

Friday, February 25, 2011

Mmmm. . . Chocolate-Cinnamon Cake!

Okay, I admit it. . . the week of warm temps had me totally in Spring-mode so this cold-spell of the past couple of days has dragged me down. . . way down.  And what better pick-me-up is there than chocolate?

I acquired this recipe from a dear neighbor of ours when we lived in Western Kansas.  I walked into her kitchen one evening and the smell was divine - definitely chocolate. . . but what else was it?  One taste and I was totally smitten. 

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Blinging in the New Year

It's been awhile since I offered any peeks of my latest jewelry creations. . . of course, if you are a Facebook follower, all of this will be 'old news.'  Then again. . . maybe not :-)

The ksyardbird Studio worktable

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Captured Views. . .

I have been so amazingly overwhelmed with the many invasive details of life that little else (such as beloved Blogging, Beading, Sewing, Sleeeeeping) has permeated.  I was sitting here at my desk looking around and couldn't believe what I saw.  Wanna take a wee-peek at my world?

The first step is locating my dear, dear camera. . .

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Gettin' Warm. . .Bakin' a Rum Cake

It's snowing again. . . another arctic freeze sliding across the USA has got me looking for any way at all to keep warm.

Oh, sure. . .there's turning up the furnace, putting another log on the fire, wearing woolie socks, scarf, and mittens.  Or maybe even wrapping up in one of those Snuggie things.  Personally, I'd much rather warm up mixing a cake, then stand by the oven soaking up the heat from baking the cake. . .and when a cakes as tasty as this (with Rum, to boot) - baby, all it takes is one piece and I'm H-O-T!